ProjectWork - Resource Management
Share resources across multiple projects
Resource management is a must when a company simultaneously carries out several projects with the same resources. Without resource management all resources and projects would be in one unclear schedule that cannot be shared with a single customer. With resource management you are able to separate projects and resources and see resources centrally allowing them to be used efficiently.

ProjectWork includes the ability to share resources from one project with several other project. The resource manager can share per project all resources or make a selection. The project receives the resources in its planning and can assign them to tasks. The project manager can share his project with his customers. The resource manager gets to see the tasks of the projects with which he shares his resources. See below left an example with one resource manager and two project managers.

It is also possible to link multiple resource managers on the same project, see above right. Combined a network of resource managers and project managers arises. Each company can have a varying number of resource managers (n in the figure above) and project managers (m in the above figure). Per resource manager a choice can be made to manage expertise, equipment, vehicles, etc.
More information about resource management using ProjectWork.